Get more people reading your web copy.

Information architecture is a pretty old term, especially in a post “content marketing” age.

1. Design for consumption

Content design is information architecture.

It is the breaking of information into bite sized chunks.

And providing relevant information through a structured question and answer pathway.

And the great news? Google’s going in that direction with their Search Engine Optimisation algorithm anyways. The accordion function is back.

This opens up a whole host of unexplored ways in which we can design for ease of finding relevant information on a page.

2. Rethink the site-map

How many tabs do you have open right now? Case in point.

Information is no longer consumed the way it was when “information architecture” was born.

How much information in a sub page is actually relevant to the average user?

Content design means you’re balancing the depth of information at each given stage, with the user’s journey, and more importantly what they want to know.

When you batch information on the page into categories your user can drill down to information specific to their cause. This means, a more engaged, user less likely to fall out of your funnel.

3. Show and tell

Content design is visual communication. Stock standard imagery, is hurting your brand.

And it’s not just that — Multi-media communications, and a clear strategy as to the best medium for the communications task at hand is essential for a great user experience.